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What We Believe

  • We hold to the Westminster Confession of Faith, which not only “remains the fullest and most carefully constructed brief exposition of the Christian faith ever written”, but also “continues to be used and loved as a grand summary of biblical teaching” (Dr Sinclair B. Ferguson); we recognise liberty of opinion on those matters of doctrine which are not part of the substance of the Christian Faith.
  • We believe that the Bible is the Word of God and is totally true. It remains the sole authoritative standard on which every matter of our faith and life is measured. Its message is that:
  • God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). His Son (Jesus Christ) says “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10)
  • But not all people are experiencing the abundant life, because Man is sinful and separated from God, thus he cannot know and experience God’s love and plan for his life. For “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). That is to say that God is holy and man is sinful. There is a great separation between the two. Man tries to reach God and the abundant life through his own efforts: living a good life, being religious, helping others, etc.., but all his efforts fail.
  • We believe that the only answer to the above problem is Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ is the only way man can reach God (Jon 14:6). He died for us (1 Peter 3:18) and rose from the dead (Acts 1:3). Through Him you can know God and experience His love and plan for your life. In other words, God bridged the separation between us and Himself by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross in our place.
  • We believe that it is not enough just to know the above. Because, we must each receive Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord (John 1:12) through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9); then we can know and experience God’s love and plan for our lives. We receive Christ by inviting Him into our lives. This means turning to God from self (repenting), trusting Christ to come into our lives to forgive our sins and letting Him make us what He wants us to be.
  • We believe that the unearned gift of Eternal Life is given to all who receive Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord (Jon 3:36 and 1 John 5:11-13).
  • We believe that Jesus Christ is coming back (Revelation 22:12). His return will be personal, visible, universal, and surprising. He is coming back to judge the living and the dead and His kingdom will have no end. All those who receive Him now shall live with Him eternally in the new heaven and earth; but those who reject Him now will be in eternal punishment, away from the presence of God, a place that is called in the Bible as Hell.
  • While we wait for Christ’s return, we believe that only through an active yielding and obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit (or the Spirit of God) as the giver of life, who dwells in the life of all those who receive Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:13), that we can live a victorious and sanctifying Christian life (Galatians 5:16-15; 2 Thessalonians 2:18) in this world that awaits liberation from its bondage to decay (Romans 8:21).

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