‘I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.’ Psalm 104:33, KJV
St Andrew’s Male Voice Choir was formed in 2004 and since then has sought to share the Good News through the singing of gospel songs. Over the years the choir has presented programmes in a variety of venues both in the town and in our local area, has taken part in concerts that have raised money for Christian Charities and Missionary Partners and has provided music for weddings in St Andrew’s Church. The choir regularly sings in church and helps in leading the worship at special services and seminars. Each year the choir has a new selection of repertoire and this year this includes such favourites as ; ’Count your Blessings’, ‘Higher Ground’, ‘In my Heart there rings a Melody’, Take my hand, Precious Lord’ and ‘There was no Crown for Him’. If you enjoy praising the Lord through song and feel you could help in proclaiming the gospel message in this way, please speak to one of the choir members. You will be given a very warm welcome in this group. ‘Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the father for everything.’ Ephesians 5:19, NIV.