The Guild which is for men and women meets every second Wednesday at 7.00pm in the church hall from September to April. We start with a time of worship together and every fortnight we have different speakers form different walks of life with a variety of experiences to share with us. We finish off with fellowship together over a cup of tea. New members would be made most welcome. The Guild’s 2019/20 programme starts on Wednesday the 25th of September at 7.00pm. The new programme is as follows:-
25th September- Rev. Bill Stewart
9th October -Our Friends from the Salvation Army
23rd October - Janet Dick, youth development officer (B&B)
06th November- Willowbank Players
27th November- Patricia Forman, flower demonstration
11th December. Christmas Party at the Palace hotel. Good food, good companions & the joy of Christmas, 6.30pm for 7pm
22nd January- Scottish evening (7pm start). Elaine Silcock & Leanne Beddie
05th February- Santander fraud awareness
19th February- Jacquelene Yule/Lauren Cowie (B&B)
04th March- Kenny Bruce, ‘Old Peterhead’
18th March - Jim & Moira Givan
01st April - St. Andrew’s Male Voice Choir
. The Guild in Scotland supports six projects for three years; continued on the next page.